C.B.S.E Affiliation No: 2133477
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Sahaj International School is a well organized, caring community in which relationships are based on mutual respect and rules are applied consistently and fairly.

We endeavor to carve the young minds into self-disciplined citizens who respect and value the achievements and beliefs of others. We encourage our children to ask questions so that they grow up into fine individuals who understand themselves and others, and seek significance and purpose in all their experiences. We follow a nonformal yet structural approach to follow learning with a focus on family, home, culture. Our children are encouraged to explore the environment around them through Integrated Projects. Our activities are designed such, to develop each child’s fine Motor skills & encourage Sensory Development.

Class attendance is very important at school. All students are required to attend school regularly. Leave may be taken in case of urgent work/illness, but proper sanction has to be obtained from the Principal in writing.


Pre Primary early years’ assessment policy aims at understanding development needs of children from 2 years to 5 years. This is not a formal testing, rather an attempt to help them acquire foundation skills. Keeping in mind their development needs and age requirements, Pre Primary, follows a continuous formative evaluation system with the purpose of supporting learning, guiding instruction and evaluation. This entails mapping daily progress through
• Observation
• Worksheets
• Report Card
• Portfolio

The session will be divided into two terms. Each term will have two periodic tests. Term I will be from April - September and Term II will be from October - March. There will be four periodic tests in all, which will be taken in the form of pen-paper tests. The distribution of syllabus and marks will be as follows:

For the holistic development of the student co-curricular activities are carried out and are graded term-wise on a 3-point grading scale (A=Outstanding B-Very Good and C=Fair). The aspect of regularity, sincere participation, output and teamwork is the generic criteria for grading the following co-scholastic activities:
(a) Work Education- Work Education refers to skill-based activities resulting in goods or services useful to the community.
(b) Art Education (Visual & Performing Art)
(c) Health and Physical Education (Sports/Martial Arts/Yoga)

The students are also assessed for discipline which is based on the factors like attendance, sincerity, behaviour, values, and tidiness, respectfulness for rules and regulations, attitude towards society, nation and others. Grading on Discipline is done term-wise on a 3-point grading scale (A=Outstanding B-Very Good and C=Fair).

(a) Notebook Maintenance is assessed before the end of each term on the following parameters:
• Regularity
• Assignment Completion
• Neatness and Upkeep of Notebook
(b) Subject Enrichment Activities comprise of techniques like ASL/Reading/ Dictation/ Debate/ Public Speaking etc. for languages. Lab Activities/ Projects/ Map Work/ Model Making/Field trips etc are conducted for Science, Social Science and Mathematics throughout the year.

Co-curricular activities are planned carefully to draw out the innate talent and the potential of the students to the optimum. The school organizes Inter House Debate, Quiz, Recitation, Calligraphy, Storytelling and Sanskrit Shlokas Recitation Competition and regularly conducts excursions and outing for students.

We live in an ever-changing world that is ripe with new possibilities. The ability to learn new information or a new skill offers far great opportunities than ever before. We believe in adjusting & adapting the new trends, while going hand in hand with the well designed curriculum.

In order to generate a healthy spirit of competition amongst students all the students are divided into different houses , Inter Houses Competitions and Activities are organized time and again to encourage healthy competitive spirit and group loyalty.
• Ganga
• Yamuna
• Kaveri
• Krishna

We recognise that effective learning does not always take place exclusively in the class. At Sahaj International School, we lay emphasis on different activities through active participation in various clubs where students are guided to discover and create their own understanding.
Clubs at a glance
• Art and Craft Club
• Calligraphy Club
• Dance club
• Dramatics Club
• Music Club
• Sports Club